Neither NASA-TLX ratings nor physiological workload indicators were related to intraoperative function. Working as a primary surgeon did not result in higher workload. The smartphone served as a communication unit and transferred objective and subjective measures to a communication server where data were stored and analyzed. Subjective workload was assessed pre- and postoperatively using an electronic version of the NASA-TLX on a smartphone. The mobile health system contained a sensor electronic module integrated in a chest belt and measuring physiological parameters such as heart rate (HR), breathing rate (BR), and skin temperature. 25 surgeons agreed to take part in the 24-hour monitoring by giving their written informed consent. Surgeons' intraoperative psychophysiologic workload was assessed through a mobile health system. In this study, intra-individual workload was assessed in both intraoperative functions using a multidimensional approach that combined objective and subjective measures in a realistic work setting.

Surgeons often report that they feel more stressed when operating as a primary surgeon than in the function as an assistant which has been confirmed in recent studies.

Working in the operating room is characterized by high demands and overall workload of the surgical team.